This upcoming school year may require the hours you need, why not help us out?
What do members get?
Free food at all events
We do not require a lot of effort
Many people want to volunteer their time or resources but are unsure how. We will happily take any volunteering you would like to contribute. You can join us for our monthly meeting (check the calendar) and talk to anyone of our knowledgeable members. We can set you up for a work load that is good for you, either as a greeter, cooker, cleaner, server, etc. We even allow young people to get volunteer credit hours for school. For more information please contact us on our contact page
The busiest event is our BBQ chicken dinners. We start cooking around 12am on Saturday morning, and from 9am-3pm we have many food preps and cooking to do.
We also could use servers and baggers duing the meal, and a clean up at the end.
If you are interested in volunteering at the Turkey Shoot, that can be arranged. The turkey shoot work load varies by night. The most common help needed is running of the targets, or handing out the shells. Please contact us on our contact page

If you are an organization and would like to to use our site as a Drop off you can. But please note, the only time people will be able to donate will be during the events, so please get the word out. A few sites would include Toys for Tots, or Food drive. We have room inside to put a collection barrel, and social media is a great way to let people know about both organizations.